Posted in TED Talks

Want to truly succeed? Lift others up while you climb

Enjoyed this TED Talk: Want to truly succeed? Lift others up while you climb by Amber Hikes

Amber Hikes, shares what concept her mother introduced her – “Concept of lifting while we climp“. According to her mother, “when you climb up the ladder and you get to the top, you can take a moment to enjoy the view, but you must be principally concerned with using all of your might to throw the ladder back down for those who are coming behind you“.

With this thought, Amber shares three ways to embrace this spirit:

1. Question your surroundings:

Being aware of people around you to know who is with you and who is not with you that share common experiences with you.

2. Aim for sponsorship over mentorship:

More than mentorship that gives advice and help others when to do, sponsorship is all about using your privilege, power and position to give opportunities to someone who has been excluded.

3. Pass on the chance for glory:

Thinking on how you can create opportunities for the deserving people who might not get them as often. Offer and share your seat who has bold and imaginative ideas to present them with you.

In all the ways, lift up others to travel along with you as you climb!