Posted in Research

Picking the right choice

As desert is the right place for a camel so is the pasture land right place for a cow. Cow cannot survive in desert after hearing the positive suggestion from Camel.

I have noticed people getting advice for the best option they do have with others (If not others, Google). Hearing back from them mostly they end up in confusion or end up in choosing a choice that doesn’t favour them which leads to dissatisfaction. Only a few (by mistake of course!) end up choosing the right one (indicates lack of self research).

Not every choice is comparable. Every choice has some unique features of its own. Out of many products available in market, every product has its own uniqueness. Its make varies depending upon the requirement factor set by the manufacturer. There can be an exact copy of some products manufactured for competition. But it itself will have its own negatives – either the brand name, support, life or any other.

Take the decision making to your own hands. Seeking for the advice of others end up with the results that favour from their view and not your view. Similarly the Google results too. Results are posted / compared by the human beings. If something fulfills the requirement of a person, he bias towards it and the other product naturally ends up with some negative feedbacks from him.

Once a need arises, it is better to take a paper and pen (or pencil to erase your mistakes!) and sort-out all the requirements which you think you need. Don’t leave any requirement fearing if it won’t be available. Upon finalizing, assign priority for the requirements. Prepare a table with row headers as the requirement ordered by the priority. Draw some empty columns.

It is the time to research. Find all products that fall in your eyes. Now in column header, note its name and checkmark every row which has the feature that matches your requirement. Repeat this for every product. Finally, choose the right one based on the priority you have assigned. This time you won’t regret for the result since the analysis is from your point and you have chosen the right one which would fit your own requirements.

[This is not limited to any goods you purchase from local market, it even suites for choosing the right software or an application]

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